Everyday First Aid - Natural Solutions for a Happy Healthy Life
Thu, 25 Apr
|Soul Food Kitchen
Are you looking for natural solutions for physical and emotional wellbeing for you and your family? Come along to our weekly educational, fun, relaxed and varied classes. This week we will look at creating and using a natural First Aid ToolKit for the everyday emergencies in life.

Time & Location
25 Apr 2019, 18:00 – 20:00
Soul Food Kitchen, The Argyll Hotel, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, UK
About The Event
*This class is part of a block off weekly sessions by Clare. You can choose whether to attend one, two or the whole block classes *.
Other dates:
Restoring Hormonal Balance - Thursday 2nd May
Managing Chronic Pain - Thursday 9th May
Anxious, Depressed and Stressed - Thursday 16th May
Claire will share her extensive knowledge to equip you with a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual toolkit to not just survive in life but to really thrive. With a focus on mindfulness, body awareness, nutrition, essential oils, tools to minimise stress and enhance resilience to support a harmonious body, mind and spirit they promise to be full of hints, tips and gems of information.
Are you looking for natural solutions for physical and emotional wellbeing for you and your family? Come along to our weekly educational, fun, relaxed and varied classes. This week we will look at creating and using a natural First Aid ToolKit for the everyday emergencies in life.
We know to always expect the unexpected but are we ever really prepared and equipped to deal with the everyday accidents, illness and incidents that are a part of everyday life. Particularly if you have children.
There are the
•playground accidents
•the raging temperature at 2 o’clock in the morning
•the headlice infestations
• rashes, cuts, and bruises and that’s just for starters.
Even if you don’t there’s
•the nasty mouth ulcers
•the flareup of sciatica
• the sprained ankle
•the winter vomiting bug
•ear infections
•coughs, colds, flus
I could go on but I think you get the idea.
One thing we all know is that life takes us unaware, but when we are equipped with a natural First Aid Toolkit, you are prepared, the dramas pass effortlessly and you can get on with living your life to the fullest.
In this 2 hour class, we will explore a number of supportive tools including mindfulness, body awareness, nutrition, essential oils, lifestyle changes and stress reduction tools to put you back in control of your health. When you learn to develop skills and an everyday resource toolkit you enhance your resilience to life’s unexpected challenges and support a quicker recovery, ensuring a healthier body, mind and spirit along the way.
With over 25 years experience in mainstream and holistic healthcare, as a nurse, and Stress and Wellbeing Consultant Claire is qualified in numerous fields from naturopathic nutrition, to mindfulness, energy medicine to stress management. Claire specialises in supporting individuals with complex chronic illness, to get educated and take back control of their health. We all know prevention is always better than cure and your health is undoubtedly your most precious commodity.
Claire knows firsthand how things can change in an instant as she herself had debilitating health issues for years. Today she shares her hard-won wisdom with you in this relaxed, fun environment in the hope that when you know better, you choose better. Take steps today and say yes to your wellbeing and a healthier, happier you
Follow Clare:
FB: @claireryanheatleyyestowellbeing
Instagram: yestowellbeing
Block Booking+Meal
4 Weeks Block Booking includes food each week. Everyone will receive the same meal, please let us know of any dietary requirements info@soulfoodkitchen.co.uk before the event.
£100.00Sale endedOne Class with Meal
One-off class that includes food. Everyone will receive the same meal, please let us know of any dietary requirements info@soulfoodkitchen.co.uk before the event.
£30.00Sale ended